State Highpoints – Wyoming - 13,804-foot Gannett Peak

Wyoming’s highest peak and the highest peak in the Wind Rivers, Gannett Peak is one of the tougher state summits. Since the peak is far from roads, an ascent of Gannett usually requires a multi-day effort. Many people employ the help of horses or llamas to carry their supplies toward the peak. Typically a llama can get closer than a horse, but even with animal help, the climber will still have to carry their supplies to a high camp close enough for a summit assault. There are multiple approaches to Gannett, and there is much information available for each option. The climber should do their own research and choose an itinerary that suits them. The standard summit route ends with an ascent of the Gooseneck Glacier, or perhaps the rocks to it’s left, then a final ascent of the south ridge to the summit. Typical equipment includes boots, crampons, ice ax, and rope. There is a bergschrund at the base of the final climb up the Gooseneck Glacier, and it’s condition varies from a snowbridge over it, to a little climb through it, to an impossible gap. If possible, check current conditions before launching. Obviously, the later in the season the higher the probability that the bergschrund will be a gap. The mountains surrounding Gannett are also majestic and worthwhile. Impeccible scenery and lakes abound.
