State Highpoints – Texas - 8,749-foot Guadalupe Peak

Texas’ highest peak and the 14th highest US state summit, 8,249-foot Guadalupe Peak, is located in west Texas, east of El Paso. Guadalupe is close to the TX/NM border, and is the highpoint of Guadalupe Mountains National Park. There is a good Class 1 trail up Guadalupe from the east, and the round trip hike requires over 3,000 feet of gain, and 8.75 miles. The hike up Guadalupe can be hot in summer, and snow can grace the summit in winter. Plan accordingly. There is a metal monument on the summit, and when you pose for a summit photo next to this monument, you have proof that you made the summit. Surprisungly, with 3,039 feet of prominence, Guadalupe is only the fourth most prominent peak in Texas. A mile south of Guadalupe Peak is another ranked peak called El Capitan that is dramatically cliffed on three sides. Seen from US Highway 62 to the south, El Capitan appears to be higher than Guadalupe, and many people mistake it for Guadalupe. El Capitan makes a significant addition to your trek up Guadalupe. From the top of Guadalupe, the journey to El Capitan is a an off-trail Class 2 hike, and because of the cliffs, you must return over the top of Guadalupe. Many people do the hike up Guadalupe. Those with only modest conditioning find it tough, however runners from nearby schools have run up in short times that others simply refuse to believe. It’s a big world.

Highpointers Foundation Projects – Guadalupe Peak
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2012 –> 2014 - Amount of financial assistance: $1,300

The Highpointers Foundation has provided a bench. It was installed near the visitor center at the trailhead in 2014. An ammo box register was placed on the summit of Guadalupe Peak in 2012, and replaced in 2016 after damage to the hinges was discovered.
