State Highpoints – Georgia - 4,783-foot Brasstown Bald

Georgia’s highest peak and the 25th highest US state summit, 4,783-foot Brasstown Bald is located in the north central portion of Georgia, in the Chattahoochee National Forest, about 16 miles south of the Tennessee border. With 2,123 feet of prominence, Brasstown Bald is the most prominent peak in Georgia, and the only P2K in the state. Brasstown Bald is a drive up, and is wheelchair accessible. To reach the parking lot for Brasstown Bald, go to Blairsville, GA, and go 8.0 miles south on US 129. Turn left onto GA State Road 180, go 9.0 miles, turn left onto GA 180 Spur, and go 3.0 miles to the parking lot. The trailhead is just to the left of the gift shop as you face the summit. Follow the steep, but paved trail for 0.6 mile to the top of the mountain. There is a Visitor Information Center on top, and the views are great. There is a road up to the Visitor Center, but it is only used by service vehicles and the shuttle bus. Brasstown Bald is the highpoint of Towns County, GA, but if you are looking for a little extra credit, the highpoint of Union County, GA is on the road that circles the Visitor Center. It is at 34.8745° 83.8112°, and you can tag it by walking around the road.

Highpointers Foundation Projects – Brasstown Bald

2017 - Amount of financial assistance: $7,900

The Highpointers Foundation provided funds for two benches and an information kiosk that were placed on Brasstown Bald. One bench is on the observation deck, providing rest and views. The second bench is at the upper shuttle stop where weary vistors can await their transportation to the parking area below. The information kiosk is on the wall on the breezeway educating visitors about the importance of Basstown Bald and other state highpoints. The kiosk also advises highpointers to check with visitor center staff to gain access to the true bencmark, which is set in bedrock beneath the building. The benches were installed by Pam and Julie from Friends of Brasstown Bald with USFS employee Lorne Cosner (pictured).

The Highpointers Foundation worked with the Brasstown Bald management to pay for the refurbishment of historical metal signs, a project that is now done. We are also working to create new interpretive signs alerting vistors that they can indeed visit the actual benchmark behind a locked door, if they ask at the front desk inside. We also paid for scenic vista signs around the observation deck that identify the distant hills and mountains.

Lorne Cosner at the Georgia patio bench

Old Refurbished!  State Pride!
One of the new information signs installed on the observation deck
One of the new information signs installed on the observation deck
One of the new information signs installed on the observation deck
