State Highpoints – Maryland - 3,360-foot Hoye-Crest

Maryland’s highest peak and the 32nd highest US state summit, 3,370-foot Hoye-Crest is located in the far southwest corner of Maryland not far from the border with West Virginia. In fact, the hike to Hoye-Crest starts in West Virginia. With only 100 feet of prominence, Hoye-Crest is only the highest point in Maryland. The name Hoye-Crest applies to the highpoint of Backbone Mountain.

To reach Hoye-Crest, take Exit number 14 off Interstate 68 near the northwest corner of Maryland, and go south on US 219 for 34 miles to the junction with US 50. Continue south on US 219 and cross into West Virginia 3.0 miles beyond the junction with US 50. After another 1.3 mile, pass State Road 24 on your right, then continue another 1.1 mile on US 219 and watch for an old logging road on your left. Park in the gravel pull-off next to the logging road on the left side of the road. Your approach drive is over; now for the hike.

Look for orange blazes in some trees and a “Maryland High Point” sign high in a tree. Start your hike by hiking up the old logging road, which is not driveable. After 20 or 25 minutes of hiking, leave the logging road where it levels off, turn left, and head up a trail adorned with orange markers. This turn is very well marked. Fairly quickly, you will come to a sign at a Y intersection. For the easiest route, follow the trail downhill to the right. For a shorter, but much rockier route, follow the left trail, which passes State Line marker #3, that let’s you know that you are now in Maryland. The two trails rejoin qucikly, so you can take one trail on your way up, and the other on your way down. After the two trails rejoin, you only have a few more minutes of hiking to reach the highpoint. There is a mailbox with a register and Backbone Mountain certificates. There is not much of a view from this tree-laden summit.
