Highpointers Foundation Contest!
HPF Battle of the Benches
  • Who will become the next person to be titled the World’s Greatest HPF Bench Sitter ???
  • The rules of the game are simple:
    Sit on benches that the Foundation has placed at or near state highpoints.
    Tell the Highpointing World about it via photo ‘proof’ on Facebook or Instagram.
    Your photo should show the HPF logo, and your caption should include the date and state name.
    Your photo should be Direct Messaged with a caption to the page
    The Highpointers Foundation@highpointersfoundation.
    If you don’t use social media, email your photo to battleofthebenches@gmail.com.
    The first contest ended on July 22, 2017, and the winner was Terri Rowe who got considerable bragging rights, an Annapurna book by Maurice Herzog, and her photo on the Highpointers Foundation website.
    We reserve the right to install more benches anytime; that gives you more chances to win!

  • Click to see the contest Leaders and Winners

  • Here is a list to help you keep track:
    AR - 1 (at highpoint clearing)
    AR - 2 (at highpoint clearing)
    AZ - 1 (at trailhead clearing) {FUTURE}
    CA - 1 (Whitney Portal Store, outside on patio)
    CA - 2 (inside the Whitney Hostel in Lone Pine)
    CT - 1 (between Mt Frissell in MA and the highpoint) {FUTURE}
    FL - 1 (along trail to southwest of the highpoint)
    FL - 2 (along trail to southeast of the highpoint)
    GA - 1 (on observation deck) {custom bench}
    GA - 2 (along road by shuttle stop) {custom bench}
    IA - 1 (at highpoint clearing)
    IA - 2 (up on view deck around silo)
    IA - 3 (at campground across road, or rotates back to the museum farm display by the highpoint)
    ID - 1 (30 minutes up trail at an overlook) {FUTURE}
    IN - 1 (at highpoint clearing)
    LA - 1 (at highpoint clearing)
    LA - 2 (at Jourdan Mtn. lookout, 75’ from Driskill Mtn. summit)
    MD - 1 (at highpoint clearing)
    MI - 1 (at highpoint clearing)
    MI - 2 (at view point 75’ to the north)
    MS - 1 (at highpoint clearing)
    MO - 1 (at Jakk’s Glade)
    NE - 1 (at highpoint)
    NJ - 1 (halfway up the walkway to the monument)
    OH - 1 (at highpoint)
    OK - 1 (at trailhead) {custom bench}
    PA - 1 (at highpoint clearing) {custom bench}
    SC - 1 (at highpoint clearing)
    SD - 1 (halfway on main trail #9 before State/USFS boundary) {custom bench}
    SD - 2 (halfway on alternate trail #4 near Cathedral Spires) {custom bench}
    TX - 1 (at trailhead parking area) {custom bench}
    UT - 1 (at trailhead parking area)
    VA - 1 (at the State/USFS boundary turnstile on the Rhododendron Trail,
    one mile from Grayson Highlands parking area) {custom bench}
    WI - 1 (along trail near summit)

  • That’s a total of 36 benches, with 31 installed.
    22 of the installed benches are grey or beige recycled plastic with black steel frames.
    They all have a plaque that includes the HPF logo.
    8 of the installed benches are custom ordered,
    some from the same manufacturer we use in WI, and some from different local sources.
    The CT, AZ, and SD benches are pre-sponsored already, and the ID bench has a sponsor waiting to pay for it.
    The OK bench in honor of Jean Trousdale is partly funded, and we are working on additional sponsorship.

Contest Winner and Leaders

You must sit on at least 3 benches to get listed.
Please submit visual photo ‘proof’ on Facebook or Instagram.
Your photo should show the HPF logo, and your caption should include the date and state name.
Your photo should be Direct Messaged with a caption to the page
The Highpointers Foundation/@highpointersfoundation.
If you don’t use social media, email your photo to battleofthebenches@gmail.com.
The winner gets an Annapurna book by Maurice Herzog,
and a permanent spot on the list of Bench Sitters forevermore.

  1. Terri Rowe - 25 benches! 2017 Winner!!
  2. Stony Burk - 28 benches (Stony, a Director, cannot win)
  3. Dave Covill - 11 benches (Dave, a Director, cannot win)