Highpointers Foundation Projects – South Region


Arkansas – Magazine Mountain

2017 - Amount of financial assistance: $8,000

The Highpointers Foundation provided two benches and an information kiosk on Magazine Mountain plus a trailhead registration box. During the 2018 convention, the Foundation installed a large new sign at the summit to replace the one that was recently vandalized.

Terri Rowe and her dog Luna on the two benches at the Arkansas Highpoint.


Florida – Britton Hill

2012 - Amount of financial assistance: roughly $2,200

The Highpointers Foundation provided funds for two benches and a kiosk that were placed on Britton Hill close to the Florida Highpoint. Walton County Commissioner Kenneth Pridgen visited the highpoint to enjoy a bench.

The sign introducing visitors to Britton Hill

The kiosk with detailed information

Kenneth Pridgen on the bench near the FL kiosk

Terri Rowe on the bench near the FL highpoint


Georgia – Brasstown Bald

2017 - Amount of financial assistance: $7,900

The Highpointers Foundation provided funds for two benches and an information kiosk that were placed on Brasstown Bald. One bench is on the observation deck, providing rest and views. The second bench is at the upper shuttle stop where weary vistors can await their transportation to the parking area below. The information kiosk is on the wall on the breezeway educating visitors about the importance of Basstown Bald and other state highpoints. The kiosk also advises highpointers to check with visitor center staff to gain access to the true bencmark, which is set in bedrock beneath the building. The benches were installed by Pam and Julie from Friends of Brasstown Bald with USFS employee Lorne Cosner (pictured).

The Highpointers Foundation worked with the Brasstown Bald management to pay for the refurbishment of historical metal signs, a project that is now done. We are also working to create new interpretive signs alerting vistors that they can indeed visit the actual benchmark behind a locked door, if they ask at the front desk inside. We also paid for scenic vista signs around the observation deck that identify the distant hills and mountains.

Lorne Cosner at the Georgia patio bench

Old Refurbished!  State Pride!
One of the new information signs installed on the observation deck
One of the new information signs installed on the observation deck
One of the new information signs installed on the observation deck


Louisiana – Driskill Mountain

2012 –> 2018 - Amount of financial assistance: roughly $1,700

The Highpointers Foundation has provided two benches for visitors, one at the highpoint and one at a view site. In cooperation with the land owners, we have placed an information kiosk at the highpoint. The LA HP owner reached out to the Club for assistance due to concerns over visitor Safety. Some hikers had been straying off of the road onto alternate paths, and local hunters were not expecting this. The HPF provided signage advising hikers to stay on the trail, and to wear Blaze Orange during hunting season in late Fall. The signs were installed in January 2018.

The bench and kiosk at the LA highpoint

Miles Luke and friends at the Louisiana highpoint

Terri Rowe at the LA view point bench

The new trail signs at the shop

The main trail signs in place


Mississippi – Woodall Mountain

2010 - Amount of financial assistance: roughly $4,300

The Highpointers Foundation provided funds for a large boulder to be placed inside the small road loop at the very top of the highpoint. This boulder was obtained from 50 miles away in Alabama, transported to the highpoint, and set in place. A brass plaque was inset, which describes the history of the area. The plaque honors the landowners, the extended Brown family, for allowing access to visitors. Another sign was erected at the bottom of the approach road, at the intersection with the county road, which leads visitors in the correct direction. The signs were unveiled at the Club convention at MS-10, the acronym for the Mississippi Convention held in October 2010. Close to 200 enthusiastic highpointers watched as Foundation Director Gary White unveiled the plaque, with the Brown family watching.

The Brown family and friends
at the newly renovated Mississippi highpoint.


Oklahoma – Black Mesa

2016 - Amount of financial assistance: roughly $6,500

A custom granite bench in memory of Jean Trousdale was placed at the trailhead in 2016. Many highpointers and family attended a memorial service in October, 2016.


South Carolina – Sassafras Mountain

2012, 2019 - Amount of financial assistance: roughly $4,100

The Highpointers Foundation provided a bench at the recently renovated summit clearing. Highpointer Steve Riddle funded the bench in honor of his 40-year anniversary with his wife Kathy. The Foundation provided a large rock with a bronze plaque to mark the location of the highpoint.

The Highpointers Foundation worked with the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources to renovate the summit area of Sassafras Mountain. The Foundation commited $3,000 to this project, and has enabled large paver stones at the new observation platform that was completed in 2019.

Lidy Van Schie at the Sassafras summit area.

The summit observation platform.

The dedication stones below
the summit observation platform.

The viewing platform.


Texas – Guadalupe Peak

2012 –> 2014 - Amount of financial assistance: $1,300

The Highpointers Foundation has provided a bench. It was installed near the visitor center at the trailhead in 2014. An ammo box register was placed on the summit of Guadalupe Peak in 2012, and replaced in 2016 after damage to the hinges was discovered.


Virginia – Mount Rogers

2013 - Amount of financial assistance: $1,000

The Highpointers Foundation provided funds for a bench located just inside the VA State Park boundary.



Amount of financial assistance to date in the South Region: Over $43,000

The Highpointers Foundation has raised over $275,000, and has invested more than $170,000 at 32 US state highpoints, the Bradford Washburn American Mountaineering Museum in Golden, Colorado, and for the USA-wide program of Highpoints movies.


Future projects

Possible future projects to assist privately and publicly owned state highpoints in the South Region are being considered at: AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX and VA.
  • Oklahoma – Black Mesa – Adding crushed rock for the parking area at the TH
  • Mississippi – Repair the bench at the summit
  • Texas – Guadalupe Peak – Trail signs on the path to the summit
The Highpointers Foundation Board of Directors always welcomes ideas for other projects at state highpoints.
Submit your project idea!

List of the US State Summits